The Hohenheim Erstsemesterakademie is meant for everyone who starts his/her study program at Hohenheim in October of 2024. It took place from take place from October 2nd to 5th.
Are you new to the university? Then start your studies with the first semester academy. Exciting workshops, interesting lectures and lots of opportunities to get to know the university and your fellow students better await you. The focus is on sustainability – you will learn how to make your everyday life environmentally conscious and get involved in a greener future. Whether you are interested in new topics or just want to get off to a good start in your studies – you have come to the right place. Be there when we start an unforgettable semester together!
You will find more information on this website soon. Do you have any questions? Then write to us at ed.mi1737519585ehneh1737519585oh-in1737519585u@nka1737519585
We, the Sustainability Working Group at the University of Hohenheim, can also be found on Facebook and Instagram.
Because of to many registrations we cant accept anymore students.
The following program will be modified a little bit.
We kindly ask for your understanding – thank you!
About us
The “Erstsemesterakademie” in Hohenheim is organized by committed students from various fields of study and initiatives. We, the organizing team, are a broad network of different university groups that deal with the topic of sustainability.
Arbeitskreis Nachhaltigkeit
The Sustainability Working Group networks various players at the University of Hohenheim who are involved in sustainability. This supports networking, enables large projects, and provides an exchange area.
FRESH – Food Revitalization Eco-gastronomic Society Hohenheim
AStA der Universität Hohenheim
Kontakt: ed.mi1737519585ehneh1737519585oh-in1737519585u@ats1737519585a1737519585
Green Office Hohenheim
Kontakt: ed.mi1737519585ehneh1737519585oh-in1737519585u@eci1737519585ffone1737519585erg1737519585
AKÖ-Arbeitskreis Ökologischer Landbau
About us
The “Erstsemesterakademie” in Hohenheim is organized by committed students from various fields of study and initiatives. We, the organizing team, are a broad network of different university groups that deal with the topic of sustainability.