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Hohenheim 2021

The Hohenheim Erstsemesterakademie is meant for everyone who starts his/her study program at Hohenheim, it will take place from October 4-9.

We plan to have events on campus and digital

You can expect a funfull week of events, workshops, creativity, and sports around our university with the core topic of sustainability. Take a far-sighted look at our society and experience how you can shape it for the future with your studies. The exchange of students from the faculties of Agricultural Sciences, Natural Sciences and Economics is especially important to us. You can see the complete program below.

You will find more information on this website soon. Do you have any questions? Then write to us at ed.wb1737519398-eime1737519398daka-1737519398itsre1737519398@mieh1737519398nehoh1737519398

Review 2020: Hohenheim

We, the Sustainability Working Group at the University of Hohenheim, can also be found on Facebook and Instagram.


The following program will be modified a little bit.

Table of Contents

We kindly ask for your understanding – thank you!


  • If there are several parallel events in the program, you can choose which event you would like to attend.
  • The introductory event “What is Bioeconomy?” will be held in English.
  • For small group workshops, there will always be an English-language event to choose from.
  • For large events, English slides will be provided or the event itself will be held in English.

About us

The “Erstsemesterakademie” in Hohenheim is organized by committed students from various fields of study and initiatives. We, the organizing team, are a broad network of different university groups that deal with the topic of sustainability.


Arbeitskreis Nachhaltigkeit


The Sustainability Working Group networks various players at the University of Hohenheim who are involved in sustainability. This supports networking, enables large projects, and provides an exchange area.

Externe Mitwirkende

Fairbindung e.V.




Initiative Bunte Wiese Stuttgart


SpeedUp Buddy


The Art of Living Foundation


Enactus Hohenheim
